Monday, March 2, 2015

Michael The Brave, Sixteenth Century Badass

Michael The Brave was born in 1557 in what is today Romania. He was the illegitimate love child of two powerful aristocrats. This was a period of constant war between Cities, States, and Empires- in particular the Holy Roman Empire, and the Ottoman Empire- The Christians versus The Muslims-  and Michael was born right in the ever-shifting borderlands between the two mighty international powers. 

With aristocratic blood, but no aristocratic responsibilities, Michael was free to conceive and craft his own destiny. He was a born diplomat and warrior, and he put these skills to work immediately.

Using family connections on his mother’s side, he was able to become the head of a small city in Wallachia, then under the control of the Ottoman Empire- The Turkish Caliphate. Somehow Michael was then able to convince the Sultan to make him Prince of Wallachia.

Once he was installed as Prince, he rebelled against the Muslims and pushed them out of Wallachia.

He continued to use his armies to relentlessly attack the Muslims, raiding deep into Turkey to within 30 miles of Constantinople.

Because of these successes against the Muslims, and because of his growing esteem in the eyes of the Holy Roman Emperor, his rival The Prince of Transylvania began plotting against Michael and the interests of the people of Wallachia. Anticipating their plans, and under a sacred oath to protect Wallachia, Michael preemptively attacked Transylvania. His forces destroyed the Transylvanians and Michael was dutifully installed by the Bishop as the Regent for Transylvania. 

Next it was the aristocracy of Moldavia that recognized Michael’s growing influence and power as a threat to their own. Unwisely, they too began to scheme.

Michael sent his troops streaming into Moldavia over several mountain passes and a half dozen plains. They swarmed over the country and destroyed the decadent aristocracy that had lost it’s vitality many generations ago. Once again, Michael gained an entire country and it’s mighty treasury in one bold campaign.

In unifying the Principalities of Wallachia, Moldavia, and Transylvania, Michael The Brave brought into existence the modern state of Romania. For the first time in history he cleared the entire interior of this huge area of any foreign influence, freeing it entirely.

Though his vision for a unified Romania did not long survive the chaos of 16th Century Central Europe, the dream most certainly did. Today Michael is rightly regarded as the Father of Romania, a sovereign and free nation charting it’s own course through history.
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