Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A War In Heaven

Though it was by no means the first time the Spirit of Michael fought against the forces of evil, The Archangel Michael of the New Testament is for many people the ultimate and iconic example of Michael, the Soldier of Light. On behalf of God, this Michael was called to fight the Devil himself. Why did Lucifer rebel? Was it jealousy towards Man, or Jesus, as some have suggested? For millennia,  Lucifer was an exalted angel, trusted by the Creator and given sacred responsibilities. But it wasn’t enough.   He wanted to be like God. For this Holy War, God named the Archangel Michael his Chief Commander, and all the other good angels and spirits lined up behind him. Lucifer had his own forces as well, the first souls of many he would seduce to The Dark Side. These were former angels, now turned into demons. Michael and Lucifer crossed swords, and the battle was engaged, a battle for the Universe. According to many legends in many different countries, the earth still bears the scars from the tumult. As their great armies clashed, Satan took the form of a Black Dragon and attacked Michael. With the unstoppable rage of the righteous, Michael smote The Dragon with the Sword of God. The Fallen Angel was cast down into Hell, where he resides to this day. From that moment on the name Michael has forever been linked with brave souls who risk their lives to protect the innocent.

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