Monday, March 2, 2015

Michael The Brave, Sixteenth Century Badass

Michael The Brave was born in 1557 in what is today Romania. He was the illegitimate love child of two powerful aristocrats. This was a period of constant war between Cities, States, and Empires- in particular the Holy Roman Empire, and the Ottoman Empire- The Christians versus The Muslims-  and Michael was born right in the ever-shifting borderlands between the two mighty international powers. 

With aristocratic blood, but no aristocratic responsibilities, Michael was free to conceive and craft his own destiny. He was a born diplomat and warrior, and he put these skills to work immediately.

Using family connections on his mother’s side, he was able to become the head of a small city in Wallachia, then under the control of the Ottoman Empire- The Turkish Caliphate. Somehow Michael was then able to convince the Sultan to make him Prince of Wallachia.

Once he was installed as Prince, he rebelled against the Muslims and pushed them out of Wallachia.

He continued to use his armies to relentlessly attack the Muslims, raiding deep into Turkey to within 30 miles of Constantinople.

Because of these successes against the Muslims, and because of his growing esteem in the eyes of the Holy Roman Emperor, his rival The Prince of Transylvania began plotting against Michael and the interests of the people of Wallachia. Anticipating their plans, and under a sacred oath to protect Wallachia, Michael preemptively attacked Transylvania. His forces destroyed the Transylvanians and Michael was dutifully installed by the Bishop as the Regent for Transylvania. 

Next it was the aristocracy of Moldavia that recognized Michael’s growing influence and power as a threat to their own. Unwisely, they too began to scheme.

Michael sent his troops streaming into Moldavia over several mountain passes and a half dozen plains. They swarmed over the country and destroyed the decadent aristocracy that had lost it’s vitality many generations ago. Once again, Michael gained an entire country and it’s mighty treasury in one bold campaign.

In unifying the Principalities of Wallachia, Moldavia, and Transylvania, Michael The Brave brought into existence the modern state of Romania. For the first time in history he cleared the entire interior of this huge area of any foreign influence, freeing it entirely.

Though his vision for a unified Romania did not long survive the chaos of 16th Century Central Europe, the dream most certainly did. Today Michael is rightly regarded as the Father of Romania, a sovereign and free nation charting it’s own course through history.
For more stories of Badasses named Michael, check out our Facebook page:

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

This One Fought Like San Miguel Himself

On August 9, 2005, a detachment of U.S. Army soldiers from 1st Battalion, 76th Regiment, 3d ID was in the middle of a critical mission as part of America’s efforts to get Iraq back up on its feet after Saddam Hussein’s disastrous reign. They were escorting a group of Embassy personnel and Coalition VIPs to an extremely important meeting for the future of the long-suffering nation. The convoy would pass through some of the most dangerous zones in all of Baghdad. There was just no other way.
One of the U.S. Army soldiers protecting the dignitaries that day was Miguel Carrasquillo, a tough Puerto Rican who had grown up in Chicago. Like so many other Michaels, Miguel was a leader and symbol of strength for his family and friends his whole life.

Predictably, there were many malignant groups in the country who did not want that meeting to take place, and they were prepared to go to any lengths to stop it.
Throughout human history, many armies and nations have turned to suicidal troops as a desperate bid to stave off defeat. And it’s no wonder- as westerners we may recoil from the thought, but suicide bombers can have a devastating effect tactically as well as psychologically in war. In one form or another, Militant Islam has always taken advantage of weak-minded souls in this manner to advance their aims, and on this day they would do so again.  
As the convoy rolled onto a main road, one of Miguel’s fellow soldiers spotted a vehicle bearing down on the embassy limousine surrounded by Humvees. 
The vehicle refused to stop, and it’s intent was clear. Despite the danger to himself, Miguel unwashed a torrent of machine gun fire at the vehicle as it sped past.
Instantly the automobile exploded, far short of it’s intended target, The Embassy Personnel, but right next to Miguel’s vehicle, killing him instantly. 
The Protector is an ancient and eternal role for the Spirit of Michael and Miguel Carrasquillo shall always be known as a True Michael, un Miguel Verdad. 
Here are some very touching letters attesting to Miguel’s importance to his family and to his combat heroism.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Incredible Story of St. Michael's Cathedral in Shandong Province, China

Located where the famed Yellow River meets the Ocean, the Province of Shandong in East China has played an extremely important role in Chinese and world economic and political history.

However, Shandong is also justifiably famous as one of the world's great cradles for spiritual and religious ideas.

Shandong’s beautiful and imposing Mount Tai is Taoism’s most revered and holy Mountain. Here beautiful monasteries clinging to the cliffs, the incredible and ancient Temple of the God, and the awe-inspiring Heaven’s Gate all underscore the Mountain’s religious importance for over 3,000 years.

Shandong’s Jinan Buddhist Temples are amongst the foremost examples of Chinese Buddhist Architecture, and Jinan is also home to The Mountain of a Thousand Buddhas, where thousands upon thousands of Buddha’s have been carved into every bit of exposed rock.

Shandong’s city of Qufu is where the great philosopher Confucius was born, and that city remains the center of world-wide Confucianism today. His ideas of virtue centered around duty and family are enjoying a modern resurgence.

So perhaps it should come as no surprise that there is a splendid Catholic Cathedral in the Shandong city of Qingdao.

This is how it happened…

Shandong’s location as a political and economic center of Chinese Civilization caught the eye of all the Western powers, including Germany. 

Germany was able to negotiate the lease of a small “economic zone” in the province of Shandong, centered around the city of Qingdao.

The German’s were able to integrate their interests with those of the people who had been living there for many thousands of years and the trading community flourished.

German catholics and protestants alike moved to the area, and many Chinese converted to Christianity as well. 

To serve Qingdao’s growing congregation, German Missionaries undertook to build a magnificent cathedral, and in 1931, building commenced in earnest. 

On October 28, 1934, the beautiful, Romanesque-inspired cathedral was completed and 
officially consecrated to Saint Michael The Archangel.

Choosing Saint Michael as the guardian for the cathedral was an excellent decision as China and the world was enduring a very challenging and tumultuous period in history.

Over the next several decades St. Michael’s Cathedral in Qingdao was faced with a world-wide economic Depression, The Japanese invasion of China and seizure of the Cathedral, China’s Civil War, and Communist seizure of the Cathedral, and finally, The Cultural Revolution, where the Bishop and all the priests were imprisoned, and the Cathedral was stripped bare and used as a warehouse.

Through it all, the rather large and imposing Cathedral at the top of a hill in Qingdao’s Old City remained intact, and so did the local Catholic community.

In the modern era the Chinese Government completed an extensive restoration of the Cathedral and today the Bishop of Qingdao and a staff of priests hold Daily Mass and Special Holiday Masses for the area’s more than 10,000 Catholics!

For more great stories about the Spirit of Michael in action, check out this Facebook Community:

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Warrior Prince Named Michael

According to some psychologists, the visions of horror and death that can haunt our individual dreams are actually collective memories of real events that have been seared into our DNA. If that is so, then many of us probably see the hideous visage of a man named Sennacherib when we are gripped by a nightmare. 

Sennacherib was the son of the great and horrible King Sargon II. Sennacherib hated his famous father and dedicated his life to outdoing him in savagery and conquest. 

I think it is very inspiring that even in these most ancient times people valued their freedom and liberty as much as we do today. And just like us, they were willing to fight for it-

Because all across his vast and powerful empire, Sennacherib’s subjects rebelled against his brutal reign.

Instead of talking it out, he raised a massive army of over 200,000 warriors and went on the march to violently force obedience from all the nation’s that had been under his yoke.

He commenced his murderous quest by attacking Babylon. 

He completely destroyed that most ancient and beautiful city, reducing it to ashes and rock piles for today’s archaeologists to sift through.

Over 100 more rare and unique kingdoms and their cultures were completely obliterated, with the communities destroyed and any survivors sold off into slavery on the frontiers.

These were some of history’s first city-states, our first humble attempts at civilization and living together under a common law.

Eventually, Sennacherib set his evil eyes on the Kingdom of Judah- the Land of the Jews.

His Evil Army had only grown stronger with each conquest as he added the sons of the vanquished to his marauding forces. The horde descended like a black storm onto the shepherds and farmers of Judah.

They came from the North, and they wrecked 40 walled towns, laying waste to the farms and fields that surrounded each.

This is the time when the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel disappeared from history.

Finally, he arrived with his blood-soaked armies at the Gates of Jerusalem. 

Behind the walls of the world’s most famous city, panic and fear reigned.  

Hezekiah and the other High Priests of Jerusalem prayed fervently and openly to the Lord to be saved from Sennacherib, but things looked truly hopeless. 

But God heard their prayers.

At this point a young and aggressive-looking Prince named Michael stepped forward and assumed defense of the Sacred City. 

Was this the Archangel himself, or a real person named Michael granted extraordinary powers by Yahweh during a moment of extreme danger in the History of the Jews? It’s hard to say- this is a time when both True Heroes and supernatural beings regularly walked the Earth.

Whoever he was, this Michael, a true and ancient Warrior Prince, rallied his troops and the people of Jerusalem. He had a bold and aggressive plan that would require an unblinking and methodical cruelty if it was going to work. 

In the predawn hours of a harsh and cold morning, Jerusalem’s old and infirm citizens quietly opened the Main Gate.

Everybody else, anyone strong enough to hold a spear or a club, crouched in the dusty thoroughfare behind The Warrior Prince Michael.

Michael and the People of Jerusalem swarmed silently into the darkness, descending on Sennacherib’s sleeping Army.

They had died their clothes and faces black, and waited for the darkest night of the month.

The Protector and the People of Jerusalem commenced a mighty slaughter, killing thousands of the dumbfounded and disorganized invaders as they stumbled from their tents.

The killing raged throughout the night. 

Even as Sennacherib’s Army realized what was happening, they were unable to mount a defense. Too many King’s, Princes, Dukes and Generals already lay dead, and the silent killers continued to break across the ranks in eerie, fast-moving waves. Now it was Sennacherib’s turn to panic.

By the time the sun rose high enough to illuminate the walls of Jerusalem, one of the most feared and hated Armies in the Annals of Man had been broken to pieces. The survivors were fleeing through the desert for their lives.

Michael and the People of Jerusalem attacked one of history’s most fierce and feared military powers, and destroyed it completely.

The Bible records that 180,000 enemy soldiers were killed.

The vanquished Sennacherib and the other survivors limped back through the desolation they had caused, and his Great Empire would never be the same. 

This is the Spirit of Michael in one of its oldest and most potent forms, The Righteous Avenger, The Michael who kills other men with God’s blessing.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Some Guys Are Just Good At Fighting Evil

Most of us can anticipate meeting one or two extraordinary people in our lives, the kind of people that leave us challenged and inspired to do better. Mike Curtin was that guy for a lot of people.

Without a doubt there are hundreds of incredible stories surrounding the extraordinary life and times of Mike Curtin, but there are three incidents that were all grim watersheds in our nation’s history where Mike was present, a man doing his job amidst the darkest tragedies. 
After serving in the Marines for twelve years and rising to the rank of Master Sergeant, a period of time that saw him fight in Desert Storm and other hotspots, Mike returned to his native New York City and became a NYPD officer.
Some guys are just good at fighting evil. 
In 1993 Mike Curtin unintentionally brought attention to himself for his actions when Islamic Terrorists attacked the World Trade Center with a truck bomb.

In some respects this attack has been overshadowed by the horrible events of 9-11 but at the time, it was an extremely harrowing and challenging environment for New York City’s First Responders. 
A 1,500 pound truck bomb was detonated in the North Tower’s basement garage, instantly knocking out electricity and phone service to the building and sending smoke into the stairwells and air shafts as high as the 100th floor.
Instantly, thousands of people were trapped inside the building in a chaotic and dynamic environment, including the elderly, pregnant women, physically challenged citizens, and even many children. In fact, an entire kindergarten class was trapped in one of the elevators for over five hours.
Mike was one of the many rescuers who distinguished himself that day by continually returning to the building despite the hazards and uncertainty until all of the civilians had been safely evacuated.
In April of 1995, as a NYPD officer assigned to the Emergency Services Unit, Mike found himself one of the hundreds of elite rescue operators who were hastily dispatched to Oklahoma City to participate in rescue and recovery efforts there in the wake of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. 

Just like two years earlier, this was an extremely dangerous and unpredictable environment. Several times in the first few days all rescuers had to be evacuated because of collapsing debris. Tragically, one rescuer would die when she was hit in the head by falling concrete.
It was in this environment that Mike personally spotted a shred of fabric amidst the destruction that he instantly recognized as part of a U.S. Marine Corps Dress Uniform. 
Despite the dangers Mike requested and was granted permission to stage a recovery of the remains of U.S. Marine Captain Randy Guzman who had been killed in the blast and buried in the rubble. Captain Guzman had died while manning his post, as the Officer in charge of the USMC Recruiting Station located in the building. It took over six hours but Mike and other Marines on site that day never left their comrade’s side until they had recovered him. Mike organized an Honor Guard and the body of his fellow Marine was properly escorted as he was removed from the site. It was a moment those who saw it will never forget.
These two incidents and many others had firmly marked Mike Curtin with legendary status amidst the rarified world of our nation’s most accomplished and highly skilled rescue operators when he was called to his final emergency on September 11, 2001.

The NYPD ESU Heavy Rescue Trucks are extremely impressive vehicles with a wide array of capabilities to respond to emergencies. They are famous in their own right well beyond the borders of New York City. 

As Sergeant of NYPD ESU Heavy Rescue Truck 2, Mike Curtin and his crew were one of the first Units to respond to the World Trade Center Attacks. Rescuing victims from building collapses and other high-risk situations is a primary ESU responsibility.
ESU Teams went up each of the Twin Towers stairwells as high as they could, helping hundreds of civilians safely evacuate. Mike’s team went up one of the North Tower stairwells. They perished together executing their mission when the building collapsed. In total, 14 ESU officers lost their lives that day.
Mike’s remains were not located until March 6, 2002, approximately five floors down from ground level. His service weapon was by his side.
Immediately, calls when out across the city. 
Marines and ESU Officers from every borough solemnly descended on Ground Zero. The Police Commissioner arrived as well, as did Mike’s wife Helga and one of his treasured daughters. Soon hundreds of NYPD Officers, Marines and City Dignitaries were on scene to pay their respects to one of New York’s Finest.
The procession ascended out of the wreckage with great ceremony and care, complete with an enormous American flag. Mike’s body once again found itself strapped into ESU Heavy Rescue Truck 2.

Lights flashing, dozens of ESU Trucks and NYPD Patrol Vehicles escorted “Truck 2” and Mike across the city to the morgue. Motorcycle Cops stopped traffic at every intersection and saluted. As the vehicles passed, New Yorkers of every stripe took a moment and bowed their heads in respect to a tremendous individual named Mike Curtin.

For more inspiring stories of the Spirit of Michael in action, check out...

Friday, January 30, 2015

The Guy SEAL Team 6 Relied On

Even though he fought side by side with one of America’s most elite and aggressive counter-terrorism Units, Michael Strange wasn’t some Terminator-dude chiseled from Mount Rushmore who loved the smell of napalm in the morning. According to those who knew him best, he was a funny guy, and above all else, a loyal and dependable guy. 
Michael Strange deployed with SEAL Team 6 and underwent the training and learned his skills out of a simple sense of duty. Not everyone can be a cryptographer. Not everyone can be strong enough and fast enough and smart enough to go on direct action missions with a Tier 1 Unit. But Michael Strange was, and he knew it. And so he went.

He performed his extremely complex responsibilities flawlessly on dozens of missions around the world, tracking terrorist communications in-close with the assaulters and snipers of SEAL Team 6. on  August 6, 2011 Michael went on his last mission with those legendary fighters. 
Around midnight, the call came in. A Ranger mission had put the enemy on the run- SEAL Team 6, along with Michael and his spy gear, were tasked with hunting them down. Michael would be needed to intercept and track the enemies communications as they attempted to escape and coordinate a counter-attack. This was real Mission:Impossible stuff, and it required the ability to utilize complex communications and encryption technology in the middle of intense firefights and other high-risk combat operations. 

Tragically, as they flew through the night to support the Rangers, an enemy rocket shot down their chopper and Michael and 37 other U.S. servicemen made the ultimate sacrifice. No one is saying Michael Strange was a Saint, but he is surely by St. Michael’s side now. 
For his incredibly valuable contribution to our nation’s defense Cryptologic Technician (Collection) First Class Michael Strange was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with Valor, Purple Heart Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal with Valor, Joint Service Achievement Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, Presidential Unit Citation, and other campaign and unit decorations. 
For more information on this extraordinary young man and his legacy, check out these websites:

and for more inspiring stories of the Spirit of Michael in action:

The Saint of 9/11 - Father Mychal Judge

It is a hard truth that dozens of men who bore the name Michael lost their lives as first-responders  in New York City on 9/11, and in time we will honor each and every one of them.

I commence this solemn responsibility by bringing attention to the first official fatality of that terrible day, and one of the finest Michael’s to ever walk the earth, Father Mychal Judge. 

Long before his heroic death Father Mychal was already recognized as a special person filled with a unique Holy Power. In his role as a Franciscan priest he was one of the first to minister to AIDS patients in the 1980's, long before the rest of society came to terms with the disease and its victims. In the same manner he was also a great friend to the homeless before their struggles became widely acknowledged. He would listen to them with the same care and compassion he brought to every troubled soul, as his faith dictated. 

After becoming appointed an FDNY chaplain he took up those solemn duties with the same commitment he brought to ministering the afflicted and the poor. Surely Father Mychal saw in all firefighters a kindred spirit, men and women who like himself had been drawn to a life of service and sacrifice.

Through his presence and prayers in their times of need He became a true and beloved member of New York’s Firefighting community. It is said he wore his firefighters helmet and gear with the same reverence he held for the collar and the cassock. He was a true New York City character, a cool, popular, respected and loved fixture on one of the world’s biggest stages. 

On September 11, 2001, Father Mychal didn’t hesitate. He rushed to the World Trade Center which had just been hit by the hijacked planes. At the scene, Father Mychal was immediately recognized by a relieved Rudolph Giuliani, the Mayor of New York City who had also rushed to the site. The Mayor asked him to pray for the city and its victims. 

Father Mychal immediately took up his duties, kneeling down and administering the Last Rites to victims lying in the street. Then, with fire and debris raining down, he entered the lobby of the World Trade Center North Tower. He continued offering aid and prayers for the rescuers, the injured and the dead. 

When the South Tower collapsed at 9:59 am, debris went flying through the North Tower lobby, killing many inside, including Father Mychal. According to numerous eye-witnesses, he had been praying to God on behalf of others at the moment of his death. 

Now awe-inspiring yet objective stories are beginning to circulate out of the New York City metro area of people praying directly to Father Mychal and receiving in return what can only be considered as miraculous results. If your life is currently burdened with more obstacles than you can overcome on your own, you might consider asking Father Mychal for help.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Teach Your Children About These People

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is one of the greatest examples in human history of dignity and courage in the face of a horrendous reality. The moral fortitude of those Jewish fighters is a guiding light that will shine for all eternity- teach your children about these people. 
    It all began with the Nazi’s surprise blitzkrieg attack of Poland, the official beginning of World War II. The Nazi invasion of Poland was cold and brutal even by their standards, particularly for that nation’s long-suffering Jewish population. At first the Nazis relocated all of Poland’s Jews into small urban ghettos in three major cities, primarily Warsaw.

There, over 300,000 people were packed into a small walled-off neighborhood. Then the Nazis began deporting the ghetto residents to what at first were believed to be slave labor camps. When Poland’s Jews realized the truth, and learned about the extermination camps, they resolved to fight to the death in the Ghetto. They organized militias, made weapons, and laid out plans for their defense. 

One of the key figures in the Uprising was a young man by the name of Michael Klepfisz. 
MichaƂ Klepfisz was described by those who knew him as a tall and thin young man with a calm and laid back manner. But despite his unassuming appearance, this Michael is considered one of the greatest heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

Michael began his transformation from a chemical engineer to a murderous warrior and Protector of His People by an act of almost-unbelievable selfless heroism.

Michael was one of the unfortunates who had been swept up off the street in the Warsaw Ghetto by a roving patrol of Nazi SS Soldiers. 

He was loaded onto a train, a train bound for the Treblinka Extermination Camp.

As the train rumbled through the night, Michael managed to kick out the bars covering a small window. He jumped off the moving train and found himself all alone, deep in Poland’s ancient and dark forests.

Instead of taking refuge in the wilds, Klepfisz made his way back through Nazi-occupied Poland and snuck back into the Warsaw Ghetto. Yes, you read that right. He was free, having barely cheated a horrible death, and he returned to Warsaw. To help. By fighting and killing.

After making sure his wife, daughter and sister were safely hidden outside Warsaw, Michael took charge of the Jewish Combat Organization’s bomb-making Unit. With guile and ingenuity he amassed the raw materials to start producing explosives. In the basement of an abandoned factory he created powerful bombs, artillery shells, land-mines, hand grenades and other explosive devices. In other basements, other Jews built, rebuilt, and repaired old rifles and loaded cartridges with Michael’s home-made gunpowder.

When everything was as ready as could be hoped, the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto launched a surprise assault on the Nazi forces stationed within and around the Ghetto.

The stunning series of attacks killed large numbers of Nazi troops and allowed Warsaw’s Jews to seize a huge cache of weaponry.

More importantly, the Jewish Fighters expelled the Nazis from the ghetto, halting the deportations to Treblinka Extermination Camp. The shame and disgrace of the defeat was immediately felt all the way back to Berlin. 

The human monster known as Himmler personally replaced the Commander in charge of the ghetto with a man of unquestioning viciousness. The Nazis were forced to bring in extra troops from every theatre, weakening their lines and exhausting resources on every front.

Michael and the other Jewish Fighters resisted so fiercely, the Nazis were forced to bring in yet more troops and resources. The Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto fought back with such intractable tenacity the Nazis were left with only one option.

Moving from building to building, they methodically leveled the entire Ghetto.

The Jews continued to fight back, contesting every house and basement, fighting to the last man and woman.

Michael Klepfisz died in direct combat, in a gunfight with a cohort of Nazis. In a final act of heroism, he drew their fire and killed several, allowing the rest of his squad to escape and continue fighting.

This resourceful, brave, and selfless warrior lived a life suffused with the Spirit of The Archangel.

A Hero From The Old School

The village of Landres-et St. Georges is a typical farming villages in the North of France, an area also known as “The Argonne” for its dark forests. Here, near the borders of Belgium and Germany, well-maintained fields and orchards encircle ancient towns built of stone, and even today daily life is dictated by the seasons and the crops. 

However, this otherwise nondescript locale has been witness to some of humanities mightiest armies and fiercest battles. Julius Caesar, Joan of Arc, Napoleon, and generations of other soldiers have all fought here. 

In the fall of 1918, in the heart of World War I, history was again repeating itself. 

The orchards had long been blasted to splinters, and the green fields had been carved into black trenches. Now both the Allies and the Kaiser’s forces were moving troops into the area in anticipation of some very large battles.

On October 14, 1918 The US Army’s Company I, 165th Infantry, 42d Division was moving position towards the village in preparation for a major advance. One of the men in I Company was a former boxing instructor from New York City by the name of Sergeant Michael Donaldson. According to the 42d’s official history, repeated gas attacks, very high casualties, and rumors of a coming armistice had all worn down the soldier’s morale. Things got so bad that the 42d’s very active and decisive Chief of Staff, Colonel Douglas Macarthur, had recently issued orders forbidding the use of colloquial terms in officer’s official reports such as “Company shredded to pieces”, and any talk of peace or an end to hostilities was strictly forbidden. Against this backdrop of despondency and desperation, I Company followed orders and headed down the road. As they approached Landres-et St. Georges, they turned off the road, and began ascending a hill to take up a position on the crest.
Unknown to them however, a detachment of Germans had already taken possession of the hilltop. The German troops were dug in with their usual tactical precision. Several machine guns had a commanding view of the road and interlocking fields of fire. 

As the Americans approached the ridge, the Kaiser’s men unleashed the ambush. The Germans achieved total surprise and the assault was extremely effective. I Company was forced to hurriedly fall back to a safe position down the road to reorganize. 

In the confusion I Company left six men wounded on the hill amongst the dead. 

On his own initiative Sergeant Michael Donaldson, the former boxing instructor, now ran back through the ambush in plain sight of the enemy. 

As the machine guns blazed down at him, he sprinted back up the hill to the first injured man. Grabbing his wounded comrade by the shirt collar, he dragged the soldier back down to safety as bullets kicked up everywhere around them. 

Not content with just one incredible act of heroism, Sergeant Donaldson ran back up the hill five more times, each time in the face of withering enemy fire. Incredibly, he successfully rescued all six wounded men. 

This was truly the Spirit of Michael in action. For his selfless and outstanding bravery Sergeant Michael Donaldson was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor and the Medaille Militaire, France’s highest Military Award.

Michael would go on to live a long and happy life, counting several U.S. Presidents as friends. He was well-known and well-regarded around New York City as he always remained active in Veteran’s groups.

Here is a slice of Sergeant Michael Donaldson’s extraordinary life in his own words: