Friday, January 30, 2015

The Saint of 9/11 - Father Mychal Judge

It is a hard truth that dozens of men who bore the name Michael lost their lives as first-responders  in New York City on 9/11, and in time we will honor each and every one of them.

I commence this solemn responsibility by bringing attention to the first official fatality of that terrible day, and one of the finest Michael’s to ever walk the earth, Father Mychal Judge. 

Long before his heroic death Father Mychal was already recognized as a special person filled with a unique Holy Power. In his role as a Franciscan priest he was one of the first to minister to AIDS patients in the 1980's, long before the rest of society came to terms with the disease and its victims. In the same manner he was also a great friend to the homeless before their struggles became widely acknowledged. He would listen to them with the same care and compassion he brought to every troubled soul, as his faith dictated. 

After becoming appointed an FDNY chaplain he took up those solemn duties with the same commitment he brought to ministering the afflicted and the poor. Surely Father Mychal saw in all firefighters a kindred spirit, men and women who like himself had been drawn to a life of service and sacrifice.

Through his presence and prayers in their times of need He became a true and beloved member of New York’s Firefighting community. It is said he wore his firefighters helmet and gear with the same reverence he held for the collar and the cassock. He was a true New York City character, a cool, popular, respected and loved fixture on one of the world’s biggest stages. 

On September 11, 2001, Father Mychal didn’t hesitate. He rushed to the World Trade Center which had just been hit by the hijacked planes. At the scene, Father Mychal was immediately recognized by a relieved Rudolph Giuliani, the Mayor of New York City who had also rushed to the site. The Mayor asked him to pray for the city and its victims. 

Father Mychal immediately took up his duties, kneeling down and administering the Last Rites to victims lying in the street. Then, with fire and debris raining down, he entered the lobby of the World Trade Center North Tower. He continued offering aid and prayers for the rescuers, the injured and the dead. 

When the South Tower collapsed at 9:59 am, debris went flying through the North Tower lobby, killing many inside, including Father Mychal. According to numerous eye-witnesses, he had been praying to God on behalf of others at the moment of his death. 

Now awe-inspiring yet objective stories are beginning to circulate out of the New York City metro area of people praying directly to Father Mychal and receiving in return what can only be considered as miraculous results. If your life is currently burdened with more obstacles than you can overcome on your own, you might consider asking Father Mychal for help.

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